So, we've upped the prize package this month - two free tickets to the Toronto SpecFic Colloquium with Guest of Honour Mike Carey and The Pattern Scars by Caitlin Sweet (ChiZine Publications) - an understated selection, but no less fab. To enter and possibly win, it's the same deal as July, visit OpenBook Toronto and follow the instructions.

If you've got a few minutes (better yet, a couple of hours), there is so much amazing material about authors and books that you really don't find anywhere else. So, read and enjoy!

Wonder what next month will bring contest-wise? Only one way to find out. Keep checking the skies (by which I mean blogs).
Through OpenBook Toronto (I can't express how much I love the staff and the site), ChiSeries and CZP are offering a chance to win free tickets to the Toronto SpecFic Colloquium, featuring Mike Carey, on October 15th. Of course, it wouldn't be a proper literary contest without free books! The contest launched today, but there will be two additional contests in the months leading up to the Colloquium and the prizes will just keep getting better. I'm not going to spoil the surprise here; so, if you're curious, keep checking OpenBook Toronto's site at:

Good luck!
Hear Robert Shearman, the man who reintroduced the Daleks for the reworked Doctor Who, read (for free!) on April 12th at the Augusta House in Toronto. No self-respecting Doctor Who fan should miss it.
Click below for more info.