Since my last post, I was acclaimed the V.P. Policy for London North Centre and more recently was chosen as the interim V.P. Communications for the Ontario Women's Liberal Commission. I also had the opportunity to speak at the Eczema Society of Canada's Patient Education Session in Toronto in November. The latter was an amazing opportunity. I took a risk with the topic of my speech and I'm glad that I did, because it ended up reaching people more than I ever could have hoped.

I have to say I'm excited about everything. Next year is a huge year for so many reasons. I look forward to using my skills to contribute, communicate and engage. Honestly, that sounds a bit cheesy, but those are three of things I love about communications.
I have recently accepted the role of interim V.P. of Policy for my political riding association, which means I am officially volunteering for four organizations, and hope to contribute to two more shortly. In the meanwhile, I love policy and will do as much as I can in the role. It's such a great way to get citizens engaged and ensure their voices are being heard. Plus, there is so much work to be done, including researching, writing and hopefully event planning. What's not to love?
The profile I initially wrote as a guest blog post has also been published in the Eczema Society of Canada's (ESC) Summer newsletter, which explains the spikes on my Google Analytics page.
To read the profile, find out more information about ESC or eczema itself, read the newsletter here. I love the article "Why Do We Itch at Night?"
I have recently become an Asthma Ambassador for the Asthma Society of Canada and a Support Volunteer for The Eczema Society of Canada. I'm quite excited about the latter because it involves helping people deal with a very difficult condition. As the months go by, my contributions will develop further and I can't wait to post more specifics.

For more information about either organization or how to volunteer, please visit:
The Eczema Society of Canada
The Asthma Society of Canada